Wednesday, October 21, 2009


Wouldn't it be nice to just wake up when you want, do whatever you desire all day, only make your bed if you feel like it, only cook dinner if it's convenient between your favorite soaps...?
Well, you can't!!!

You need a schedule. Sometimes you need to write it down (and subsequently follow it).
Today I got off my schedule. I took the day off from running which meant I could sleep in until 6:30 instead of getting up at 5:30. It didn't really work out to my advantage since my DS (Dear Son--3 yr old Michael) came into my room at 5:30 and asked me to change him--he was very wet. So instead of just getting up after getting him settled, I decided to try to fall back to sleep which didn't work, but I lay restless for an hour.
I always say you need to get ready first thing in the morning so you can be productive the rest of the day or just be ready for whatever comes your way. Nothing went wrong today, but I also didn't get much accomplished either. So tomorrow it is back to running, getting a shower, starting a load of laundry, driving carpool for Hannah et al, unloading the dishwasher, and just being ready to face the day by 8:00.
I steal ideas from friends, authors, and others all the time. My friend Stacey always writes out her entire day the night before and lets her kids know what the day holds. My friend Niva does something similar, but she also has a running list of things to do and crosses them off as they get done. My DH (dear husband) keeps a list on his phone and checks things off as they are done. One of the things on his list is "appreciate Vickie". I used to think he should just do that without having to write it down, but if it makes him remember to appreciate me daily, keep writing!
BTW--it's ok to watch a TV show or get on Facebook as long as it is part of your plan. You just can't let those things consume your time. I recommend setting a timer for your computer use and making yourself get up when it goes off. None of us want to admit how much time gets sucked away sitting in front of this screen.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

First Blog

I had my DH (dear husband) set up this blog for me almost 2 months ago because I had so many ideas that I felt I needed to publish them. I guess I have just had blogger's block! I haven't had (or made) the time to just start writing. So I'm starting today with anything just to get my first post.

I hope to do a few things here:
  • Share some of my daily life which at times is absolutely hysterical and if I wasn't actually living it, I wouldn't believe it could really happen to anyone.
  • Share how I use CVS and Harris Teeter to save money on groceries, toiletries, cleaning products, diapers, etc.
  • Encourage other moms by sharing my own personal life experiences.
  • Keep in touch with friends.
  • Teach you that life is about living by a plan.
  • Sometimes I will just vent, rant and rave.